Hello, I'm Tanya Ventress a current student from Cleveland College of Art and Design in Hartlepool (originally from York). I'm studying BA (Hons) Textiles and Surface Design and I'm currently in the Madness of third year. I have ambitions of a teaching career but at the moment I'm hoping to persue my career of Surface Design.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Creating a three meter length- not so easy as it sounds!

So this was how it all started- foolishly (possibly) decided in my brief to do three lengths, wallpaper and fabric for bespoke interiors...

Developing samples took 4 days
The cut through took 1 day
My coda trace took 2 days
My Developing screens took half a day 
The print took half a day
So all in all this print (minus the actual design and drawing of it (which undoubtedly took as much time again)) took me...
82 Hours!

And I'm betting it takes B & Q 10 seconds- but I'm proud of what I've done...
 and when I've stopped aching I'm sure it will have been worth it!

So part way through printing- each colour was Repeated in 8 prints
Finished results!!

I'm glad I've done it and I will do 3 lengths- but I've got to say, it's a learning curve. Hopefully I will know much more next time so I can speed it up a little!!

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